Milwaukee Area Reiki Health for Body, Mind, & Spirit! Traditional Usui Reiki I, II, & Master Level Workshops and Attunements available for individuals or groups contact me: dvoith@sbcglobal.net for pricing and set-up *(Scroll down to bottom of page to view Reiki Lineage.)
Reiki Classes Reiki I: is quite easy to learn and use. students are encouraged and taught how to use the Reiki energy on themselves and others, in their daily lives. In this class we do meditations, and give plenty of examples and exercises to help develop and facilitate the energy that is passed to the student in their first attunement. Also students learn how to use this energy as a centering and relaxation tool. Certificate is granted upon completion. Reiki II: In this class the Reiki level two attunement is passed to the student. Students will be taught how to draw and activate three traditional Reiki II symbols and two modern Reiki II symbols. At this level, students practice and learn long-distance, or absentee healing. Straight forward information is reviewed on the aura and major chakra centers of the body. Certificate is granted upon completion. Fees for Reiki Classes: Cost for Reiki levels I, II, & III are $135.00 each level. Each Reiki class is 4 to 5 hours, for 1 to 4 students. (Individual classes are usually shorter.)
Reiki III, & Master Teacher Course available and scheduled after Teacher Interview
Reiki III: Reiki level three attunement is done and the student receives the Master Symbol. This class includes meditation, attunement, instruction, and practice time. Master Practitioner Certificate is granted upon completion. Cost for Reiki levels I, II, & III are $135.00 each level. The Reiki Master Teacher Course: in this class the student is taught how to do all levels of attunements and how to teach all levels of classes. This is usually done in a series of three to five classes. There is written homework, and the student must demonstrate competency in performing the Reiki attunements prior to certification. Master Teacher Certificate granted upon completion. Cost for the Reiki Master Teacher Course: $275.00 per person for what is usually 3 to 5 classes, which are usually scheduled one to two weeks apart, for a total of 10 to 12 hours, depending on the class size.
Reiki Sessions Come Experience the Healing Power of Reiki! A traditional Reiki treatment feels like a wonderful, glowing radiance and has many benefits in promoting healing. Because Reiki healing works on an individual's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level, it is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. Many recipients report experiencing beneficial altered states of consciousness, and spiritual experiences along with physical healing. Our experienced Reiki Practitioners incorporate aspects of acupressure, healing touch, and aromatherapy into their sessions. Fees for Reiki Sessions are: $30.00 for a 1/2 hour Session, and $60.00 for a one hour Session. email dvoith@sbcglobal.net to arrange for a session. (Package deals and gift certificates are available.)
About the Teachers & Practitioners Sharon Blandino, CRMT:
Deborah Voith, CRMT: Deb has trained as a Master Teacher, and also has been attuned in the first, second, and third level of the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition of natural healing. She has worked as a Registered Nurse for twenty-four years, and has worked for the past seventeen years in the Psychiatric Crises Service. Deborah is available for teaching and attuning to all levels of Classes. Sherene Anita, Reiki II Practitioner: Trained and Attuned at Level II of the Usui Shiki Ryoho Healing Tradition. Sherene is available for Reiki Healing Sessions. Call to schedule an appointment: (414)-306-3423.
For Information Contact Reiki Master Teachers: Contact Deborah Voith at: dvoith@sbcglobal.net Contact Sharon Blandino at: sblandwoman@sbcglobal.net
Some Basic FAQ's
What is Reiki? Reiki (pronounced "Ray Key") is a tradition of natural, holistic healing by which the practitioner transmits, or channels a universal healing energy by a "laying on hands". The word Reiki is made up of two parts: "rei" which means Universal, and "ki" which means life energy. Thus the term Reiki means "Universal Life Energy", which links body, mind, and spirit. This energy is derived from a divine source and flows through all living things on things on this Earth. Through the ages there have been many healing traditions, from the Essene healers, to the Pow Wow practitioners. The Reiki Tradition of healing is said to have started in the mid-nineteenth century with Dr. Mikao Usui who lived in Japan, but the roots of this energy healing method is thought to have most likely started in Tibet, over 2500 years ago, and possibly even before that. This is why many say that during a significant period in his life, Dr. Usui "re-discovered" this ancient healing tradition in the mid-nineteenth-century. It was during this time, after studying ancient Tibetan sutras, that Dr. Usui climbed the holy mountain- Mt. Kuri-Yama where he had a profound spiritual experience after which he was filled with a healing energy. The recent resurgence of this energy healing method, or the Reiki Tradition, has today become one of the most requested complementary therapies used to enhance orthodox medical treatment. Reiki is not a religion and can be easily incorporated into most spiritual beliefs and practices. Many people believe that dis-ease stems from blocked emotions and thoughts that can deplete your physical energies and make you more susceptible to illness. Reiki does not cure disease, but rather focuses it's healing on the root of dis-ease. This is why it is said to truly aid the body, mind & spirit. What Happens during a Reiki Session? A Reiki session can be a brief demo, lasting five to ten minutes, or a full session lasting forty-five minutes to an hour. At the beginning of any session, we take some time to talk. I like to find out what the person's needs and expectations are, and also to answer any questions they might have. A brief session is usually done with the person sitting. A full session is usually done with the person laying down resting on a massage table. During Reiki the person is always fully clothed, except for their shoes. After making sure the person is comfortable, a series of light touch hand placements are used, on or slightly above the body are used to bring Reiki to you. Sometimes I may employ the use of color, sound, fragrance, or elixirs made from herbs and gemstones to help restore the natural flow of energy to an area that has been blocked. Other times, I might use guided meditation, depending on the needs of the person I am working with. Things to expect on a physical level during a session are usually a deep relaxation, decrease in stress, and an overall sense of well-being. Some people report feeling heat, or a pulsating or tingling feeling as the Reiki healing energy radiates from the practitioner's hands and begins to effect positive change and balance throughout the body. Reiki may enhance the body's ability to heal, and relieve pain. After a session most people feel an increase in their energy level. Other things that might happen during a session is a sense of connecting to the higher self or spiritual self. Upon the release of emotional blocks, the person may receive new insights and awarenesses about issues in their life. At times emotions may surface during a session. The benefits of a session can last for a week to ten days or longer. Benefits of Reiki May Include: *Reduces Stress & promotes deep relaxation *Promotes a sense of Peace & Balance * Releases Emotional Blockages *Reduces Pain *Stimulates Immune System *Shortens Recovery Time *Reduce the intensity of chemotherapy side-effects *Promotes Healing on a Physical, Emotional & Spiritual level *Works well as a Complementary therapy to Mainstream Western Medicine *Increases Intuitive & Psychic Awareness *Enhances Spiritual Growth & Inner Strength *Is Completely Safe
Special Rates & Other Discounts for Reiki Attunement Classes Caregiver's Discount: If you take the Reiki I Attunement & Class, we take $25 off the regular price of the class per person, if you qualify as a caregiver. Reiki is a wonderful healing energy system for anyone but especially for the caregivers of the world. call or email for details. Who's a caregiver? you might be a nurse, social worker, teacher, or a parent with children at home, or you might be caring for an ill family member. If you spend a lot of your hours taking care of the needs of others, you are a caregiver. Just call or email and tell me why you feel you qualify for the caregiver's discount. Special Offer to Organizations where caregivers are employed: such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, hospice, etc. Sharon & Deb are often available to present on-site Introduction Reiki Classes. Also, on-site Reiki I Attunement Classes are often available for groups. Please call or email for details. Special Reiki Attunement Class Fee for Spouses, Life Partners, or other Family Members: if you and your spouse, or life partner take the same Reiki I, II, and/ or Master Practitioner Attunement class at the same time, the first person will pay the regular class fee, and the other spouse/ life partner will pay $70.00. This also applies to parent and dependent children who take the class together. ask for more details. You cannot combine this offer with any other offer. Note: Payment plans can be set up, if needed. Please make arrangements when you register for the Reiki attunement class. Also, some partial scholarships are available where there is a genuine need for financial assistance. These special discounts are a gift of support to the community from Deborah Voith & Sharon Blandino
Reiki Lineage Information Dr. Mikao Usui Dr. Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo Takata Iris Ishikuro Arthur Robertson Rick & Emma Ferguson Margarette L. Shelton Kathleen M. Milner (Prior to Tera Mai Reiki) Arline E. Rowden Deborah Voith & Sharon Blandino