Old Time, Traditional, Custom Made - One at a Time, Mojo Bags
(scroll down below for ordering choices) In traditional hoodoo practice a lucky mojo bag is a magical amulet, or talisman, made up of individually specific items in accordance with the doctrine of signatures, which are placed in flannel bag and then magically set to accomplish a specific work in accordance with the individuals' desire. Other terms used for mojo bag include: lucky mojo, root bag, toby, conjure bag, jomo, lucky hand, good luck hand, luck bag, trick bag, gris gris bag, mojo hand, or just "hand". I often use many of these term interchangeably. The word "conjure" is an old alternative to "hoodoo". The word "hand" as it is used here, refers to the combination of ingredients that are used. Most mojo bags, or conjure hands contain magical items such as: herbs, roots, minerals, and zoological curios placed in red flannel bags, although some root doctors will substitute other colors in use of that color's symbolic power. Some people will refer to these magical items as a prayer in a bag, or a spell in a bag. What is contained in a conjure hand varies quite a bit, and is dependent on what outcome the wearer hopes for. The mojo bags that I make are not created until they are ordered and so are made specifically for that individual. Which means that although I frequently follow set items to be used for a particular intent, I will also frequently further customize the mojo I am making for the specific outcome desired by the individual client. You don't have to look far to find people hawking all sorts of mojo bags, just cruise around YouTube, or the web a bit. What I'm really astonished, and sometimes appalled by are the many folks selling what they call traditional mojo bags and they're not even aware of the Doctrine of Signatures, nor it's magical applications, specifically in the traditional body of the practice called hoodoo! There, enough said.
It is customary to add a wish paper, or name paper to your conjure hand to personalize it and sharpen your intent. After it is prepared, or "fixed", the conjure hand is breathed upon to bring it to life, and dressed with some type of liquid, frequently a condition oil, or sometimes a mineral to "feed" it. A conjure hand may also be fed using items such as whiskey, perfumes, (like Hoyts cologne, or Florida water), or, more notoriously- bodily fluids, such as: sexual fluids, spit, or urine. All Bewitchingbee custom mojo bags come in a fixed red flannel bag and contain genuine roots, herbs, and minerals, as well as other traditional ingredients. I custom make, one at a time, mojo hands matching traditional combinations with the wants and needs of the individual customer. Each bag comes with instructions and it's own dressing oil, also guaranteed to be made individually with authentic roots and herbs. Unlike mass produced spiritual and magical supplies being sold by other companies, I make my conjure hands the old time, traditional way, one at a time using rituals, prayers, and spell work according to the intended need. Try one of my mojo bags. There's no denying, you will notice a difference when you use a conjure bag that was created specifically for you. sold as curios only
Scroll down below to see a complete listing of Customized mojos, the Lucky Thirteen Combination bag, & Specialized mojo hands:
Customized Conjure Hands: Custom made conjure hands are very powerful when carried by the individual, out of sight. They generally contain an odd number of ingredients, of items that have a history of "working" for the type of outcome that person wearing it hopes for. These magical items could be herbs, roots, minerals, or zoological curios. Conjure hands are usually made by a practitioner that is knowledgeable about the traditionally effective ingredients for various intentions as used in the magical system of hoodoo and the customary way of preparing such a hand. A concentrated amount of spiritual energy goes into making up a proper old time, traditional, mojo hand, it's not a matter of just placing a number of items into a flannel bag and expecting to get results by reciting a few words. If you are searching for such an item, have me make up one for you. Contact me at: dvoith@sbcglobal.net and let me know what you seek in regard to money, love, luck, or personal well-being. I can prepare a mojo hand that fits specifically for you. All conjure hands come with a condition dressing oil, and directions for use.
Better Business Conjure Bag: For drawing luck in finances & business endeavors. Comes with Better Business dressing oil and instructions for use. Better Business Conjure- $35.00
Black Cat Conjure Bag : Best old-time, traditional, gambling mojo! Good luck for gamblers or for those playing any games of chance. Comes with a vial of Black Cat oil and instructions for use. Black Cat Conjure- $35.00
Blessing Conjure Bag: For blessing a new baby, a troubled person, or a new home. Comes with a vial of Blessing dressing oil, and instructions for use. Blessing Conjure- $35.00
Come to Me Conjure Bag: For drawing a new lover. Comes with a vial of Come to Me dressing oil and instructions for use. Come to Me Conjure- $35.00
Court Case Conjure Bag: Traditional, old time amulet, use to influence legal matters and win in court. Comes with a vial of Court case dressing oil and instructions for use. Court Case Conjure- $35.00
Crown of Success Conjure Bag: For success in all your endeavors: career, business, school, etc. comes with a vial of Crown of Success oil and instructions for use. Crown of Success Conjure- $35.00
Fast Luck Conjure Bag: Attracts luck that is intense and lightning fast, but of short duration. Use for games of chance or seduction. comes with a vial of Fast Luck dressing oil and instructions for use. Fast Luck Conjure- $35.00
Fiery Wall of Protection Conjure Bag: A powerful shield against those with harmful intentions. Use to protect loved ones, soldiers, or first responders. Comes with a vial of Fiery Wall of Protection dressing oil and instructions for use. Fiery Wall of Protection Conjure- $35.00
Follow Me Boy! Conjure Bag: Influence and control a male lover. Comes with a vial of Follow Me Boy! dressing oil and instructions for use. Follow Me Boy! Conjure- $35.00
Follow Me Girl! Conjure Bag: Influence and control a female lover. Comes with a vial of follow Me Girl! dressing oil and instructions for use. Follow Me Girl! Conjure- $35.00
Love Me Conjure Bag: Enhance love/ sex, renew passion in your current relationship. Comes with a vial of Love Me dressing oil and instructions for use. Love Me Conjure- $35.00
Love Uncrossing Conjure Bag: For removing crossed conditions in love relationships and invite the healing of old hurts. Comes with a vial of Love Uncrossing dressing oil and instructions for use. Love Uncrossing Conjure- $35.00
Money Drawing Conjure Bag: Attracts wealth, money, and prosperity. Comes with a vial of Money Drawing dressing oil and instructions for use. Money Drawing Conjure- $35.00
Prosperity Drawing Conjure Bag: Attracts wealth, but also used to draw abundance into any area of life that you find lacking, whether it be health, wealth, love, or matters of business. Comes with a vial of Prosperity dressing oil and instructions for use. Prosperity Drawing Conjure- $35.00
Road Opener Conjure Bag: A powerful spiritual tool when feeling "stuck" to aid in removing the obstacles in your life and find your way to move forward. Comes with a vial of Road Opener dressing oil and instructions for use. Road Opener Conjure- $35.00
Travel Protection Conjure Bag: For protection while journeying, during day to day travel or long distance travel, or just for on the "journey through life". Comes with a vial of Safe Travel dressing oil and instructions for use. Travel Protection Conjure- $35.00
True Love Conjure Bags (2): Comes with a pair of matched lodestones and two red flannel conjure bags, among other love drawing ingredients. Use as a statement of love in a young romance, or to your life long soul mate. To be carried by a committed couple only. Comes with Love Me dressing oil and instructions for use. True Love Conjure- $50.00
Uncrossing Conjure Bag: Jinx breaker. Keeps crossed conditions off of you. Comes with a vial of Uncrossing oil and instructions for use. Uncrossing Conjure- $35.00
The Bewitchingbee Combination Conjure Bag: Lucky 13 Conjure Hand: This is an all around good luck conjure bag containing healing, protection, money, and love drawing roots, herbs, and minerals. This conjure bag contains High John the Conqueror root, and lodestone, along with 11 other reputed luck drawing roots, herbs and minerals. Dressed with Van Van oil. Comes with a bottle of Van Van dressing oil, and instructions for use. Lucky 13 Conjure Hand: $40.00
Specialized Conjure Bags: Jack Ball Amulet Nature Mojo: This conjure hand contains a traditional Jack Ball, made of High John the Conqueror root, Low John root, and Southern John root: the three "johns" reputed to conquer obstacles and to bestow commanding power and personal mastery to the owner of this amulet. Also contained in this red flannel conjure bag are three other ingredients that are reputed to strengthen nature, enhance leadership in the character, and bring victory to the owner that carries this magical amulet. For success in matters of money, love, or games of chance this conjure hand should be carried on the person, in their pocket or somewhere that it can be touched or contacted by the owner, (and the owner only). Comes with a vial of High John the Conqueror root dressing oil, and instructions for use and instructions for how to further "personalize" the jack ball to get it working for you. Jack Ball Amulet Nature Mojo: $60.00
Women's Nation Sack: This is a special conjure bag carried by women only. The Nation Sack is used in spells of female domination over man. Historical information on this powerful, traditional hoodoo conjure bag can be found in "Hoodoo- Conjuration- Witchcraft- Rootwork", a 5 volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Harry Middleton Hyatt between 1935 & 1939. Hyatt has a long interview with a practicing woman conjurer, on pages 1449 to page 1459 of Vol. 2, who he described as the "nation sack woman", since he did not reveal the names of most of his 1600 mostly anonymous African American informants for obvious reasons. Lodestone, Queen Elizabeth Root, Calamus Root, a Silver Mercury Dime, and a special purpose string, among other ingredients, are all contained in a red flannel bag and dressed with Follow Me Boy! dressing oil. Comes with a vial of Follow Me Boy! dressing oil and instructions for discreet use. Women's Nation Sack: $45.00