The Power of Words
Words express symbols, images and concepts. If you have a word for something, you can identify it. Before we were able to speak, the essence of most of our thoughts were in images. Words are are powerful tools. There are many ways that the power of words are used in witchcraft, spellcasting, and spiritual work. The words that you use when you speak, write, or perform a spell are identifying something that you desire, or something that you wish to see happen. The most powerful effect of your words can be to activate your energy, attract other helpful energies or spirits, and to direct these influences in a very specific way to your target or desired outcome. Humans instinctively respond to particular beats, rhythms, and repetitions. Many researchers attribute this to the rhythm that we all were first aware of: our Mother's heartbeat. The spiritual use of rhythmic repetition, especially drumming, or chanting are common to cultures the world over. Chanting is one of the many ways to strengthen a spell. Chanting can also induce a light trance, which can make the magic more effective. Some of the ways Words are used in Magic: Words, chants, sounds, affirmations, and "Barbarous Words of Power", may be employed while doing a variety of Spells, Blessings, Curses, and other Acts of Magic. At the most basic level, simply state the intention or desired outcome of your spell while performing a magical or symbolic action. Some other ways include: * Writing the name of a person a selected number of times (commonly called a "name paper") or writing the desired outcome that you seek (commonly called a " spiritual petition paper"). An example of this would be to write out a person's name paper and then placing the paper beneath a candle set to burn, also called "burning a candle on their name." * Employing the use of numbers, incorporating their symbolism and use along with your words, by stating or writing the spell a specific number of times. Some research indicates that among ancient Mesopotamians, odd numbers were apotropaeic, meaning, in other words that odd numbers were lucky and/ or good for protecting one from harm or evil. At the same time, the belief was held that the use of even numbers risked contagion and attack by demonic spirits, or other magical forces. * A side note: The use of numbers to help power a spell is common in hoodoo, and many American Folk Magic practices. An example of this would be to place 3 items in a charm, or a mojo bag for general good luck. Numbers frequently incorporated in hoodoo folk practices are: 3- used in basic spell petition, 7- to draw something positive to you (ie- love, health, wealth, luck), 9- used frequently in spells to control a situation or a person (ie- court case work, and controlling, or commanding spells), 13- this number is generally employed for strong Reversing or Uncrossing work. Thus words and numbers are used in many ways- such as writing the name of a person that you desire 7 times on a name paper, and then turning the paper 90 degrees and writing the spiritual petition (called "Crossing and Covering") such as "Come to Me" 7 times over and on top of the names, to draw that person closer to you. You may also elect to burn a candle/s for a 7 day period while doing this work. In a "Boss Fix" spell, or a Reversing spell, you may employ the number 9 in a similar fashion. Such as writing the name of your enemy 9 times on a name paper and then crossing and covering their name with your name, or a brief spiritual petition of your own design. A common example of the number 13 being used is when a Rootworker, or Spiritual Worker prescribes a 13 Day Uncrossing Bath Ritual for a client. The number 13 being employed in the number of Herbs or Roots contained in the Spiritual Bath, and possibly having the client perform the bath 13 days in a row for maximum effect. * Some spells or charms are traditionally only whispered. * Some spells are spoken into a charm, amulet, or talisman, and breathed into, or spit upon to seal it in, or "to bring the desired intent to life (such as when a toby, or mojo maker breathes into the bag of items, and then seals it up.) Some sources state this was especially common in ancient Egyptian magic and continues to be a common practice in Folk Magic around the Mediterranean, such as in Greece, and Italy (Strega Practitioners), and also in America by Hoodoo Rootworkers. Other Examples Are: *The Power of "Calling One's Name" (sympathetic magic- Doll Babies, Poppets, Human Effigies) * The Power of "Chants"- (Ritual, Trance Work) * The Power of "Enchantments & Incantations"- (European Witchcraft commonly employs rhyme. Speaking in rhyme occupies your conscious mind, while freeing your subconscious to do magical work. One common example in Folk Magic used while searching for a lost item: "Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, Please come around, Something is Lost, and can not be Found." * The "Power of Affirmations"- (Making a positive statement of attainment- ex.: "I am healing and growing stronger with each passing day." or, "As this candle burns, so will (name's) passion burn for me.") * The "Power of Cadenced Speech, or Toning"- (commonly used by hoodoo Rootworkers, or Spiritual workers: here's an example taken from an interview of a rootworker done in the 1930's by Harry M. Hyatt, listed in Volume 2 of Hoodoo, Conjure, Witchcraft, Rootwork: (speaking part is in BOLD.) Volume 2, p. 1543: IF SOMEONE IS IN JAIL AND CAN'T GET OUT, THEY SHOULD HAVE SOMEONE VERY CLOSE TO THEM CARRY 100 PENNIES IN THEIR RIGHT HAND TO THE COURTHOUSE DOOR. THEN THEY SHOULD THROW THOSE PENNIES OVER THEIR LEFT SHOULDER SO THAT THEY HIT THE DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE, SAYING AS THEY DO SO, "IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, I THROW THESE PENNIES TO SCATTER THE MINDS OF THE JUDGE AND THE JURORS." THIS WILL SECURE YOUR RELEASE WITH NO MORE THAN A LIGHT FINE.
Further examples of the Power of Words can be found in: * The power of the Psalms, the Bible, and other powerful Words. The Bible is actually a very powerful, magical book. Examples of this include the use of Psalms when performing magic or spiritual work, a practice that comes to us from ancient kabalistic magic, where each psalm is believed to contain certain "seed sounds" that once uttered will grant the petitioner their desires. Each psalm has a specific purpose and outcome. Many words of power are contained within the Bible. Another example is the practice of reciting all or part of the Song of Solomon when doing Love Spells among many othermagical practices related to the Bible.
*The Power of Vibration of Powerful Words: Scientific theory is finally starting to catch up to this one. For thousands of years occultists have utilized the concept that all matter is made up of energy and that all energy carries vibration. In some forms of magic or magick, such as Ceremonial or Visionary Magic/k, words of Power are chanted loudly and with "full breath" to resonate with that which they are trying to affect. An example of this is when performing the LBRP.
* The Power of Guided Meditations: Words in this exercise are used to paint a picture in your mind's eye and can be a powerful aid in visualization. This is especially useful if you are just starting out practicing meditation, or psychic development.
*The Power of Prayer: Scientific theory has only partly caught up to this one. Although many truly don't know how to utilize prayer, it can be one of the most powerful element of any magical or spiritual work. The mistake often made is praying for things, as if you are giving a grocery list to the Divine. The true power of prayer is born in the humble act of knowing that you do not have the answer and then having a conversation with God and seeking to align your will with God's will. Doesn't sound magical, you say? The power here is always in the surrender (one of those darn spiritual paradoxes)- God will always have a better plan than you do. The trick is then to let it go and act as if. Miracles ensue.